Home Business Athi Water Works Development Agency Rebrands

Athi Water Works Development Agency Rebrands

by Sharon Chepngetich

Athi Water Works Development Agency has rebranded to redefine the future outlook of the Agency and to re-engineer it to efficiently deliver to the people of Nairobi, Muranga and Kiambu Counties.

The Agency unveiled its new-look logo and brand following the renaming of the agency under the 2016 water Act from Athi water services board to Athi Water Works Development Agency.

The launch brought together stakeholders, key agencies and sector specialists working in the Ministry of water and sanitation on a deliberative engagement on the best practices for water and sanitation management towards the realization of Kenya Vision 2030 and the big four agenda.

Commenting on the launch Mr. Simon Chelugui Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Water and Sanitation said: “The strategic plan, is very important, not only for Athi Water Works Development Agency but also for the residents of Nairobi, Kiambu and Muranga counties; and the entire water sector.”

Ms. Winnie Guchu  Chief Administrative Secretary, Ministry of Water and Sanitation said: “We need to change our thinking on what is really open defecation because even from good homes the waste water still goes directly into the rivers without being treated,”

The plan recognizes the strategic framework for the development, maintenance and management of water and sewerage infrastructure. This will also see resource mobilization to finance water and sanitation infrastructure as well as strengthen the Agency leadership towards productivity.

This transition will see the Agency become an institution that is well managed and trusted in service delivery. The transition is also brought about by the changes in the operating environment of the Agency such as the Big Four Agenda, sustainable development goals and county government Acts. In order to achieve this effectively a Strategic Plan was developed.

As part of the new look, Athi Water Works Development Agency will also launch its five-year strategic plan 2019 – 2024 whose objectives will involve to increase the percentage of the population with access to safe water within the area of jurisdiction from 72.1 percent to 80 percent by 2024, increase percentage of the population with access to improved sanitation within the area of jurisdiction from 47 per cent to 70 per cent by 2024, initiate resource mobilization strategies to generate KSHS. 234.775 Billion for financing water and sanitation infrastructure development by 2024, promote research, development and adoption of appropriate technology and strong leadership and governance for efficiency and productivity.


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