London Distillers’ plant in Athi River, Kenya will soon be powered by the sun. The distiller, on Friday signed a deal with Solarcentury that will see the solar company install 1MWp roof solar system to generate electricity to its plant.The deal becomes the first ever solar roof top project of its capacity in the East African Region.
Solarcentury will design and install the hybrid system to operate in parallel with the grid, or the company’s diesel generator when the grid fails. Reducing its reliance on diesel and grid energy London Distillers’ will significantly cut energy spend, and offset 335 tonnes of CO₂ every year.
On average, London Distillers spends up to KSh 6 million on electricity per month. By offsetting the need for grid energy, the system will enable London Distillers to save up to USD 180,000 per year for the next 25 years.
“We are always looking for ways to improve the cost efficiency of our operations and protect the environment, and investing in solar presented us with a solution for both these ambitions,” Mohan Galot, Chairman of London Distillers said.

Mohan Galot (L) Chairman of London Distillers and Guy Lawrence (R) Director Solarcentury EA
“We worked with Solarcentury to review our long-term energy needs, and help us understand the most effective solar solution for our company. To power the whole plant using solar electricity and saving money while conserving the environment is impressive,” said Mr Galot.
On his part, Guy Lawrence, Director of Solarcentury in East Africa commented, “This solar investment makes London Distillers a pioneer company in the manufacturing sector and also demonstrates a genuine commitment to reducing its environmental impact.
He added that the industry is seeing an increased uptake of commercial scale solar projects among industries looking to reduce the environmental impact of their operations and their energy costs. The cost of the system will be paid for in six years; London Distillers will then enjoy free solar electricity for the lifetime of the plant.