Punchline Comedy Club, in collaboration with Gilbeys Gin, recently presented the inaugural ‘Winedown Wednesday’ comedy show at The Two Grapes Bar & Restaurant in Kilimani on January 17th. This event marks the commencement of a series of comedy nights orchestrated by Punchline Comedy Club at various locations throughout Nairobi. The evening commenced with a measured pace, allowing attendees to indulge in the delectable Gilbeys gin cocktails and appetizing bites, accompanied by introductory remarks from Eric Lu Sava, the Founder of Punchline Comedy Club.
Designed to cater to diverse audiences, including friends, families, and colleagues, these comedy nights promise an abundance of laughter and excitement. Performances by comedians from varied backgrounds engage the audience with thoughtfully placed and well-articulated jokes. Punchline Comedy Club is dedicated to supporting emerging local comedic talents, providing them with a platform to cultivate both their audience and skills.
Zipporah Ndung’u, the Brand Manager for Gilbeys at EABL, emphasized that the collaboration extends beyond comedy, aiming to deliver unforgettable experiences. The evenings blend the smooth taste of Gilbeys Gin with the comedic prowess of the performers. She commended Punchline for their steadfast commitment to infusing laughter and joy into the lively city of Nairobi.
Zipporah Ndung’u remarked, “This partnership is a celebration of laughter, joy, and the spirit of festivity. We look forward to the shared moments our comedy nights will bring. Here’s to a partnership that promises to be as smooth and enjoyable as a sip of Gilbeys Gin.”
The comedy nights and activations lined up by Gilbey’s and Punchline include a weekly Wednesday comedy show at Two Grapes dubbed ‘Winedown Wednesday’, a weekly Thursday comedy show dubbed ‘One Mic Stand’ and a Friday activation at the Cavalli Restaurant and Bar. There will be a final ticketed comedy special dubbed ‘Yo Mama’ on February 10th at the Mama Rocks Restaurant, Karen.
The collaboration underscores Gilbeys Gin’s dedication to supporting young talents by investing in programs nationwide. This commitment stems from a belief in nurturing and developing the creative industry by providing opportunities and fostering talent.
Eric Lu Sava, Founder of Punchline Comedy Club, underscored the significance of comedy, highlighting the abundant talent in stand-up comedy in Kenya and Africa. He asserted that stand-up comedy is poised to become the next major cultural phenomenon, with talent readily available; the next step is the cultivation and expansion of the market.