Home Education TSC to Employ Over 1,000 Teachers

TSC to Employ Over 1,000 Teachers

by Kwabe Ben

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has announced 14,460 vacancies for teachers in its bid to fix the acute shortage of tutors in public primary and secondary schools.

Out of the vacancies, 844 will be posted in schools based in Garissa, Wajir and Mandera counties. 764 will be posted to primary schools and the remaining 80 to secondary schools.

The commission’s chief executive Nancy Macharia said that successful applicants will be hired on permanent and pensionable terms.

Further, the teacher’s employer also re-advertised 386 teaching vacancies in the aforementioned counties. Out of the 386, 114 will be posted to primary schools and 272 to secondary schools. However, they will be hired on contractual terms.

Application process, requirements

To qualify for recruitment, interested candidates should be Kenyan citizens. Preferably, they should be hailing from Garissa, Mandera, or Wajir Counties and be teaching under the Board of Management in the mentioned counties.

Interested candidates who are not from the three counties need to be registered teachers.

They must be holders of P1 certificates in the case of primary schools and a minimum of a Diploma in Education in the case of secondary schools.

Interested candidates should submit their applications online through the Teachers Service Commission’s website, www.tsc.go.ke under ‘Careers’ or teachersonline.tsc.go.ke.

The applications should be made no later than July 7, 2022.

Of the 14,460 vacancies, 5,000 are new slots and another 8,230 will be hired to replace teachers who have left the service. Out of recruited teachers, 5,663 will be posted to different secondary schools to assist cope with the shortage created by the 100% transition.

Another 6,539 teachers are to be posted to primary institutions while teacher training colleges will get 28 tutors. The tutors will be recruited under permanent and pensionable terms.

TSC was allocated KSh 298.4 billion in the current budget, KSh 2.5 billion of which is for the recruitment of new teachers.

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