Jiji Kenya, the nation’s leading online marketplace, has introduced an innovative campaign known as “Cash it on Jiji.” This groundbreaking initiative aims to reshape the second-hand economy in Kenya by empowering individuals to monetize their unused possessions and earn up to KSh 30,000.
The “Cash it on Jiji” campaign generated a remarkable response, with a total of 48 winners receiving lucrative cash prizes and merchandise worth up to KSh 30,000.
Encouraged by this opportunity, numerous new sellers from different regions of Kenya flocked to Jiji, resulting in a substantial increase in product listings. Jiji’s success testament to the symbiotic relationship between ambition and the availability of the right opportunities.
The second-hand economy in Kenya has experienced tremendous growth in recent years, with data from the United Nations (UNComtrade) showcasing a staggering surge of over 500%. Starting from 172 million in 2022, indicating the expanding scope and potential of the sector.
Expressing her gratitude, Lynn Peters, the final winner of the “Cash it on Jiji” campaign, said, “This prize money has come at a crucial time for me. After leaving my job, I was uncertain about my next steps. With KSh 30,000, I can now leverage the Jiji platform to purchase and sell more products effectively.”
The campaign holds significant promise for Kenya, where around 84% of the working population is engaged in the informal sector, as revealed in Kenya’s Country Report, 2022. By eliminating the need for shop establishments and the tedium of formal registration, Jiji’s initiative enables aspiring entrepreneurs to join the platform and begin selling, thereby facilitating greater economic inclusion.
Andrew Annyke, a cash prize recipient of KSh 20,000, shared his elation, saying, “Winning this money has ignited a spark in me to pursue my dreams. I have been purchasing furniture from carpenters and reselling them on Jiji. Now, with this cash prize, I am inspired to take the next step and start my own business by procuring materials like fabric and timber.”
Jiji Kenya remains steadfast in its mission to connect businesses and individuals, facilitating their growth and prosperity. By unlocking the value of unused items, Jiji not only empowers individuals to earn money but also enables disadvantaged communities to access essential products at affordable prices. Through this campaign, Jiji aims to catalyze a positive change and uplift the standard of living for all Kenyans.
Maksym Golubev, the Regional Manager of Jiji East Africa, expressed his deep appreciation to all Jiji users, stating, “We are immensely grateful to our loyal Jiji users. Together, we can drive significant societal change. Every unused item has value, and by posting them on Jiji, you can make a difference in someone else’s life. Let us join forces and create a brighter future.”